Well today is Thanksgiving...Jayden is now napping getting ready for a long day. Luckily we do Thanksgiving on different days with our families. That way there is no rushing around, no splitting it up..it helps keep things more peaceful. Today we are going to my sister in-law Sandy's house for some yummy food and of course some nice drinks! I always look forward to seeing and spending time with my in-laws. We always have a blast! We will be taking lots of pictures and I will post some later.
Tomorrow we celebrate the holiday with my side of the family. We are going to my sister Debbie's house for mom's delicious turkey, mashed potatoes and the most desired....STUFFING! YUM-O! I look forward to this day too as we have so much fun together playing games and just being silly. Again, many pictures will be taking that I will share later...
For those of you reading this...
I hope it is a very blessed one for you and your families!
Jayden Alexander

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'
Well, I could definitely say that Jayden has mastered rolling over from back to tummy. He does this while in his crib. Usually it's partially a roll over, but tonight it was a full roll. It's funny because he doesn't like being on his tummy so once he rolls he starts getting frustrated...So why did ya do it silly!?!?!? He's such a funny little guy.
He is really growing and is becoming more and more fun to be with every day. His smile could change anyone's mood from grim to chipper in a nanosecond! It's irresistible!!!! Especially with his two cute little teeth popping out on the bottom. I just want to eat him up!
He loves chillin' in his exersaucer throughout the day. He has begun spinning the seat around. I could say I noticed this on Sunday (9/7). He moves from toy to toy amusing himself. He loves to pull off any toys he can and if he has difficulty doing so he makes sure to let me know with a scream showing his frustration. He definitely has a touch of a temper! Right now I will say it's pretty cute! I don't know how I'll feel about it as time goes on. LOL
Thursday marks his 5 month "birthday". I can't believe it has been 5 months already! I am looking forward to taking him in for his 6 month pictures. It's perfect timing seeing that it will be October! We have already planned that he will be sportin' a BEARS outfit for his photo shoot! We are also going to try to take a Halloween shot and have him pose in his costume. Sure enough Jayden will be a froggie for Halloween! I figured it's a perfect choice seeing that is his nursery theme and he loves all of his froggie toys. He is going to look so cute!!!!
Life sure is fun and has so much more meaning with this little guy in it!!!! We are so thankful everyday that he is in our lives!
He is really growing and is becoming more and more fun to be with every day. His smile could change anyone's mood from grim to chipper in a nanosecond! It's irresistible!!!! Especially with his two cute little teeth popping out on the bottom. I just want to eat him up!
He loves chillin' in his exersaucer throughout the day. He has begun spinning the seat around. I could say I noticed this on Sunday (9/7). He moves from toy to toy amusing himself. He loves to pull off any toys he can and if he has difficulty doing so he makes sure to let me know with a scream showing his frustration. He definitely has a touch of a temper! Right now I will say it's pretty cute! I don't know how I'll feel about it as time goes on. LOL
Thursday marks his 5 month "birthday". I can't believe it has been 5 months already! I am looking forward to taking him in for his 6 month pictures. It's perfect timing seeing that it will be October! We have already planned that he will be sportin' a BEARS outfit for his photo shoot! We are also going to try to take a Halloween shot and have him pose in his costume. Sure enough Jayden will be a froggie for Halloween! I figured it's a perfect choice seeing that is his nursery theme and he loves all of his froggie toys. He is going to look so cute!!!!
Life sure is fun and has so much more meaning with this little guy in it!!!! We are so thankful everyday that he is in our lives!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Growing so much!!!
Wow! So much has happened. I am bad for not blogging more! Jayden is doing awesome! He is getting so BIG! He is over 14 lbs. already and is even cutting his two bottom teeth!!! I can't believe how the time is flying. I have seen so many changes in him just this last week. He's way more attentive, giggly and interactive. It's so wonderful! I started feeding him cereal on Monday and he absolutely loved it! So now he gets 1 tbsp of cereal everyday. I have some videos of him eating that I will "try" to post on here. I am not sure how to do it so you'll have to be patient with me. I noticed his teeth coming in on Wed (8/27). Jeff was changing his diaper and low and behold I noticed two little white lines right under his gum. Now if I put my finger in there you could feel them! He wants to chew and bite on everything. Luckily he hasn't had a fever though so that is good! He's my little champ. Here's a 4 month pic of him...
It just blows my mind how quickly he is growing. Jeff and I were watching some older videos of him, which feel like just yesterday, and we were amazed to see just how much he has changed.
Everyday I thank God for bringing this little angel into my life!!!! We are very fortunate for the gift we have and do not take it for granted.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
3 Months!

Little Jayden isn't so little anymore! He is getting so big! Especially tall! It's crazy! He is growing so much. Now he is giggling...not just smiling. It's wonderful! I love when I get him to laugh. He is totally engrossed in his hands right now. It's so cute. Sometimes it looks like he is praying. He loves watching Baby Einstein or anything that has vibrant colors. He is mesmerized by beautiful colors.
Jayden's first 4th of July ended up consisting of him sleeping most of the day. He slept right through the fireworks. It was GREAT that he slept so well, but I couldn't get a picture of him until almost midnight that night. Oh well, next year will be different.
He is an EXCELLENT sleeper! He is averaging 9 hours of sleep a night. He usually goes to bed between 7-8PM (usually closer to 7) and will not wake up until 4-5AM. It's awesome! He definitely takes after mommy and daddy and loves his sleep. Nap time is a little different. Sometimes he takes some really good naps (for 2 hours), but other times he will only nap for 45 minutes. Those are the days where he is totally out of sorts. If we end up going anywhere on those days he will just cry the whole time we are out. For example, we went to my brother and sister in-law's house on Sunday to celebrate my dad's birthday. He started crying the moment we got there (at around 3:30) and would NOT stop! He finally stopped when he fell asleep a little after 6PM. So my family really couldn't enjoy him at all. He cried the whole time then slept. I am sure they cannot wait to really spend time with him when he isn't a little cranky butt! Hopefully he will grow out of this phase soon!
Jayden has his first official vacation coming up soon! Every year we go to Sheboygan, Wisconsin with my in-laws. We have such a great time. This year will be interesting seeing we have our little guy with us. I am hoping he enjoys himself and settles into his new surroundings OK.
Ok...we'll he is up from his 40 minute nap! I have to go try to get him to go back to sleep!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Never Wake a Sleeping Baby!
Well we have learned that lesson, that's for sure! Here I was looking forward to the 1st Father's Day and unfortunately it turned out to be a horrible day for our little guy. It all started when we woke him up from his morning nap to go to my parent's house. HUGE MISTAKE! He seemed pretty ok at first, but slowly his mood began to change. Kinda like the Hulk when he's angry. I am actually surprised he didn't start turning green!! Anyway, after watching some Baby Einstein for a while he started crying for his bottle. So Nonna fed him and his crying wouldn't stop. Auntie Debbie finally got him to quiet down and brought him downstairs in the basement...the coolest part of the house. My mom had the air conditioner off so it was a little hot in the house...not a good thing for my little guy. Anyway, Auntie got him to fall asleep. Unfortunately, we couldn't let him sleep and make another HUGE mistake of waking him up (after about 10 minutes of napping) to go to my brother in-law's house. Well, from having nap #2 broken on top of nap #1 Jayden was not a happy camper! He ended up crying the majority of the time that we were there. We would take him for little walks which would calm him down briefly, but then he would start crying again. At one point he fell asleep for a little while, but woke up and started crying again. It finally got to the point where we decided it was best for us to go home. So we ended up leaving the party early. Uncle Scott and Auntie Debbi sent us home with some food - thank you so much! We got home, fed Jayden and he fell fast asleep and slept from about 9 until 5 am!! He was such a tired little boy! At least we learned something from this experience. We now know to definitely NOT wake up our little guy to do anything! LET HIM SLEEP!! From now on we base our days on HIS schedule. We will NEVER wake our little guy to do anything again!
I will have to say that was probably the worst we've had it with Jayden. He is actually a very good little boy. He is happy for the most part. Especially in the morning. He definitely takes after his daddy and he is 100% a morning person...nothing like his mommy! As far as his sleep schedule goes, he pretty much sleeps through the night. For example, he went to sleep at about 9 last night and didn't wake up until 4:30 this morning! Now he has been napping since 8:30 am and it is 1:00 pm!!! I guess that means he is a growing boy! I actually told Jeff that it looks like he did grow over night. He looks bigger to me and his hair looks longer and thicker. It's amazing!
Well, tomorrow we are supposed to spend the day with Sandy, Jake and Gina. Of course we will be following Jayden's schedule. I am praying that we have a good day!!!
Well...he's up! Time to go make that bottle. We don't want the Hulk to show up!!!
I will have to say that was probably the worst we've had it with Jayden. He is actually a very good little boy. He is happy for the most part. Especially in the morning. He definitely takes after his daddy and he is 100% a morning person...nothing like his mommy! As far as his sleep schedule goes, he pretty much sleeps through the night. For example, he went to sleep at about 9 last night and didn't wake up until 4:30 this morning! Now he has been napping since 8:30 am and it is 1:00 pm!!! I guess that means he is a growing boy! I actually told Jeff that it looks like he did grow over night. He looks bigger to me and his hair looks longer and thicker. It's amazing!
Well, tomorrow we are supposed to spend the day with Sandy, Jake and Gina. Of course we will be following Jayden's schedule. I am praying that we have a good day!!!
Well...he's up! Time to go make that bottle. We don't want the Hulk to show up!!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
2 Months Old!!!!

Parenthood has been quite an adjustment, but one that is WELL worth it! I must say that we have a good little boy. He is an awesome sleeper! Despite the bout of crying spells that we ran into for a few weeks, things are going very smoothly. Actually, we are over that hurdle! I am sure there's another one to come, but that's parenthood! :)
Jayden had his 2 month check up yesterday and he is weighing in at 12 lbs.! He is in the 95%ile for his height! Doc says he's a future basketball player! He definitely will be taking after his daddy...thank GOD! He would not like having my short genes!
Jayden spends his days napping, eating, watching Baby Einstein (which he absolutely LOVES!) and going on walks with mommy and daddy. We try to get him out for a walk everyday. He really enjoys the fresh air. It's perfect timing to have had him in April!
We are looking forward to Daddy's first Father's Day on Sunday!!!
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