So I registered today! It was fun!!! It really made it all "REAL" to me. I know that might sound crazy, but sometimes I still can't believe that I am actually pregnant. It happened so quickly after that first IUI; I really wasn't expecting it.
Anyway, registering was a lot of work and a lol of decision making! But, thankfully my friend Sandy was there to help me out. I look at her as a pro seeing that she is now on baby #2!!! She was so helpful! If she wasn't there I wouldn't have had any idea where to even start. I added a link to my registry to my list of links if anyone would like to check it out. Here's a picture of my cute bedding that I went with...We are going with a froggy theme. 

I am leaning towards painting the room yellow and possibly painting the trim white. I am getting soooooooooo excited!!!!!
Yesterday I cleaned out my closet to make room for Jeff's things. Currently, he is using the soon-to-be baby's room for his clothes. So I had to make room for his things in my closet. It was a success! He actually has half of the closet for his things! I did well! I have 4 bags of clothes and shoes that I am going to donate to charity. I just can't wait to get the baby's room started!!!
Well, my next doctor's appointment is on Jan. 12th. This is the one where I have to drink this stuff and sit there for 1 hour. They have to do some test on me to see if I have gestational diabetes. I am hoping everything goes well! I will be posting again at that time with an updated belly shot. :)