Little Jayden isn't so little anymore! He is getting so big! Especially tall! It's crazy! He is growing so much. Now he is giggling...not just smiling. It's wonderful! I love when I get him to laugh. He is totally engrossed in his hands right now. It's so cute. Sometimes it looks like he is praying. He loves watching Baby Einstein or anything that has vibrant colors. He is mesmerized by beautiful colors.
Jayden's first 4th of July ended up consisting of him sleeping most of the day. He slept right through the fireworks. It was GREAT that he slept so well, but I couldn't get a picture of him until almost midnight that night. Oh well, next year will be different.
He is an EXCELLENT sleeper! He is averaging 9 hours of sleep a night. He usually goes to bed between 7-8PM (usually closer to 7) and will not wake up until 4-5AM. It's awesome! He definitely takes after mommy and daddy and loves his sleep. Nap time is a little different. Sometimes he takes some really good naps (for 2 hours), but other times he will only nap for 45 minutes. Those are the days where he is totally out of sorts. If we end up going anywhere on those days he will just cry the whole time we are out. For example, we went to my brother and sister in-law's house on Sunday to celebrate my dad's birthday. He started crying the moment we got there (at around 3:30) and would NOT stop! He finally stopped when he fell asleep a little after 6PM. So my family really couldn't enjoy him at all. He cried the whole time then slept. I am sure they cannot wait to really spend time with him when he isn't a little cranky butt! Hopefully he will grow out of this phase soon!
Jayden has his first official vacation coming up soon! Every year we go to Sheboygan, Wisconsin with my in-laws. We have such a great time. This year will be interesting seeing we have our little guy with us. I am hoping he enjoys himself and settles into his new surroundings OK.
Ok...we'll he is up from his 40 minute nap! I have to go try to get him to go back to sleep!