Yeah, I have a little pooch, but I've always had one! Even when I was much skinnier. It's a little embarrassing to expose myself like this and show all of you my belly fat and stretchmarks, but OH WELL!! It'll be worth it to see the growth that is made!
I got my blood work results from Friday and the numbers jumped up to 1077!!!! Which was so AWESOME!!!! I can't wait until our first ultrasound on Tuesday! I really hope we see the heartbeat!!!! I'll post a pic of it when I get home. :)
More exciting news...yeh!!! I am elated for you. By the way, I listened to that song on your blog and bawled my eyes out! It was so beautiful. Love you guys very much and keeping you in my nightly prayers:)
Thanks, Anna!!! We love you, too! I know! Isn't that song a tear jerker! I couldn't listen to it without sobbing like a baby!!!! I hope to see you soon!
Hey...if I bare mine, you must bare yours!! :) (dang, I miss the ovu-smilies!!)
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