Well, we are in the home stretch! I can't believe how quickly it is going. I had my doctor's appt. today and everything is going well. I only gained 2 lbs. which was a relief...especially after the holidays!!! At my last appt. I had a weight gain of 10 lbs. in only 4 weeks, so I was worried to see what today would bring. But, luckily all went well!!! Whew! The heartrate today was 135, so I am really starting to wonder if we are having a little boy!!!! I can't wait to find out! I had to take that test for gestational diabetes. It wasn't too bad. I had to drink this stuff that tasted like very potent Sprite, then sit there for an hour and wait for them to draw some blood. They said no news is good news so hopefully I won't be hearing from them this week. Geeze, it's hard to type while crossing my fingers! LOL! I'm at the point now where I have to go for my appointments every 2 weeks. So my next appointment is on January 28th. I guess I'll start doing biweekly belly shots now, too. Speaking of, here some from today (28 Weeks 1 Day):

Here's a shot from the front (notice the line going down my stomach):

The baby's room is currently under construction. Right now, as I type, Jeff is installing the lighting while we wait for Debbie and Larry to get here. They are going to paint the room today. They primed the walls yesterday so today is painting day! It's so exciting. The next step will be the flooring then it'll be all done! YAY!!! Here are some BEFORE pictures...

Yes, currently the walls are PINK. The couple that lived here before us obviously had a little girl. Now the walls are all white from the primer, but once the painting is done they will be yellow, green and white.
The changing table is going to be on that wall to the left of the window. Jeff is installing some wall washers right above where the changing table is going to go. These will be put on a dimmer switch and they will angle so that they reflect off of the wall.
The ceiling fan is coming down and we have a light fixture that we are replacing it with.

The crib will be going on the wall to the left of to the door. All the trim in the room is going to be white along with the door.
Here are the closet doors which will also be white. I am also going to replace the nobs on the doors with something cute. I still have to go shopping for that ;)
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