Well, I had my first appointment this morning. I had an internal ultrasound done. They were observing the lining of my uterus and my ovaries to see the size of the follicles. From what the technician said, all looks good. The lining was good as were the follicles. Now I'm just waiting to hear back from my nurse. She will be calling to advise me of the next step. I'll update more later.

Well, I got the thumbs up from my nurse! Everything looked good - hormone levels, uterus and ovaries. So she gave me approval to begin taking the Clomid. I started today and will continue for the next 4 days. I go back on Monday for another internal ultrasound and more blood work. They will be checking to see
how my follicles are growing. Here we GO!!!! YAHOO!!!

Julie and Jeff!
I am send fertile vibes your way! I think this is great and what a good outlet for you! I loved seeing Freddie's group, they sound great. Is he wearing the purple shorts... Yikes!
Much love to you both!
Thanks, Crissy! That means a lot to us!
Yes, Freddie's in the purple shorts...LMAO!!! He chopped off his hair! It's short now!!!
See you soon!!!
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