So here we were making a turn onto a new path. This path would hopefully lead us to some answers as to why this is taking so long! First thing we did was purchase a Fertility Monitor to help us pin point ovulation. We started using it in September of 2006. Now, we've heard great things about this monitor. People usually get pregnant right away! The manual even stated that if you do no get pregnant in 6 months of using this monitor go see a doctor. So we figured this would do the trick! No guessing when reading the OPKs anymore...the fertility monitor will just straight out tell us if and when I am ovulating. Well, the fertility monitor worked, but didn't succeed in helping us get pregnant. By the November we decided to get some help from the doctors. Jeff went in for testing in November. The results of that test showed a sperm count on the lower end (not too low, but low). We then scheduled an appointment for Jeff to see a specialist. The specialist recommended that I get fully checked before moving any further with Jeff. So I went to see my OB/GYN in February for a Fertility Consultation. He recommended that we do blood work to check if I am ovulating and that my hormone levels are within the appropriate ranges. That was to be done on the 3rd day of my next cycle. All my results came back within the normal ranges. All looked good! He also requested that I have an HSG done. This is a procedure where they check to see if your fallopian tubes are blocked. I had this done on Feb. 15 and OUCH! That hurt! It turns out my uterus is tilted so that was the cause for a lot of my pain. But, luckily we found out all was good there, too! No blockages! All clear! So now back to Jeff's doctor to fill him in on my results. Jeff's doctor requested another analysis to check the count again. This time it came back a little higher, but the motility was a concern. We also discovered that Jeff has a vericocele (a vericose vein in the testicle). Now, surgery could be done, but it would leave Jeff out of work for at least 6 months! Due to his type of work the doctor wouldn't want him to go back until he was fully healed. Instead, the doctor recommended that we go for an IUI. Seeing that the vericocele doesn't hurt Jeff, and it would prolong our trying to conceive, we decided to first get pregnant then he could go in for surgery. So that leads us to where we are now. I went to see a specialist at Fertility Center of Illinois and we are all scheduled to start our IUI cycle. My first appointment is on Monday, June 2nd. I will be having an internal ultrasound and some more blood work. I will also begin taking Clomid to help with ovulation. Eventhough I ovulate on my own, the doctor recommended taking Clomid to help produce more eggs. Just in case one doesn't get fertilized we may have another egg there that will get fertilized. From tomorrow on they will be monitoring my follicles and how they are growing. Once they are at a certain size I will give myself a trigger shot and the next day we go in for the IUI. Hopefully it will be successful! Tomorrow's the appointment so I will update more tomorrow...
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