I had my 2nd ultrasound and bloodwork appointment today. They drew some blood to check my estrogen levels then it was off to the ultrasound room to check on those follies. It turns out that I have 3 follies on my right ovary that are mature. I have 1 on my left ovary that is still rather small. I am waiting to hear back from my nurse to find out what the next step is. I may have to give myself the trigger shot either today or tomorrow so the IUI will probably end up taking place either Tuesday or Wednesday!!!! I'm getting soooo excited! I'll update later once I hear from the nurse. In the meantime, here's a picture of my 3 amigos (the follies).

They are the black circles. They measured at 19mm, 17mm, and 15 mm. The trigger shot should be given when they are between 18 - 21mm...so anytime now!
This is so exciting!! I am looking forward to reading your updates. Love you!
Thanks, Michelle!!!
Love you, too!!!!!!
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